Bukan Sekedar KAMUS!


From Movie theater to Parliament Building

Everybody knows Marissa Haque. Is that a corect spelling?...I hope so. I'm sorry ...your honour.... She was an actress..as long as I know. I love her act. She's so natural, relax and flexible in front of the camera. And now, she move to parliament building, hope she will more natural, relax and flexible in dealing with my..I means... citizen right.

I don't know much about Marissa. I only know she good and dedicated actress. Far from gossip, hot gossip that an actress always in. Her sister also a good presenter. What's her names... Soraya..Shahnaz ....oh..its so hard to spell their name. And her husband....Ikang Fawzy...he was my sister's idol. 

Be a member of Parliament is everybody hope, I guess so. That's a wet positions in government. Where the words corruption and nepotisms come from.  We need a dedicated, educated and responsible person to deliver our voice.

Sebagai rakyat, tak ada yang lebih kami butuhkan dari pada kehidupan yang layak, stabilities economic,  dan keamanan yang terjamin. Jika itu dapat terpenuhi, what else we want?

No matter who you are, what your back ground, if you can deliver our voice clearly..you deserve to be there....be a parliament member....menjadi wakil kami, para rakyat...yang saat ini sedang bergelut dengan economic crisis....high oil price, hunger, we suffer enough with natural disaster....jangan tambah penderitaan kami dengan menaikan harga barang dan jasa. Bagaimana kami akan hidup nanti dipertiwi tercinta ini?

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