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Sexy Chat

Yahoo chatt spaces now on very hot and unsecure. Most a man I chatted with either their really interesting or just pretend interesting, the conversation won't far from daily activity especially sex. It really doens't depend on which room we enter. Even in the Religion chat room, I'm not spare from this kind conversation.
I'll consider it's okey if the sex chat is happened in the out side Religion chat room. But don't do in this room, at least we has a it respect. Can you imagine while we debbat about God matter suddenly appeared the words in the scree..." ...I'm naked and Horny, ...anybody wanna see me in my web cam?..." It's just so ichi and annoying.

Now, everytime I enter the chat room, I always very carefull and suspicious. And I blod presure will increase to the high level everytime a strange person ask for my web cam...or ,ore worst is ask for my breast size! Unbelieveable.

And camera also very helpfull for them to take the advance. One times, there' someone ask my permission to invited me to see his we cam. He so polite and soft spoken. But as soon as the camera on, not her face I saw but his big 'kukubird' alias men private part.

From now on, I 'm stop chatting with cam 2 cam with anyone Idon't know.
But this fellow still found a way by using the headset. And the call it "Voice sexy chat.."
I 'm scared because to hot, one the chatt room will get burn..
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