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Reader's Digest ...Writing contest....Winner!

"All I want for Christmas is Harmony and peace for all kind. Tired listening people keep quarreling about anything abstract and nonsense. Thinking that we better than another will never make us superior, said that we right and somebody else simply wrong will bring us to the polemic without ending. Live is beautiful and precious. Forgive and ask apologize, loving, caring and understanding will brighten up our day. If we can make the world peace and harmony even just for one day... let's try! It's Christmas! What we can't do in Christmas? With Santa Claus around and Christmas Spirit.....? It will easier than ever. The prospect of happiness will give us motivations. Let's hold hand together and sing.... “Silent night, holly night....” Merry X' mas for all...."

Tak sangkah tulisan sederhana begitu bisa menang Reader's Digest Asia's Christmas writing contest di mana pesertanya dari seluruh penjuru Asia. Aku tidak bangga hanya bahagia krn "beruntung" menang.

Being a winner is sweet, but being "Lucky" is more sweeter. Bcoz "Luck" give me a chance to get something that I don't deserve or something that's sound so imposible.

Hope "luck" will always with me wherever I m. bcoz I need it more than anyone else..
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