Emotional Intelligence is a principles to understand and assess people's behaviour, management styles, attitudes, inter-personal skills and potentional. EI is that quality in a person that endears him or her to others. It is a synergistic combination of two "intelligences" -intra-personal amd inter-personal intelligent.
Succes requires more than IQ ( Intellligence Quotient), which has been the traditional measure of intelligence. There are people who are academically briliant, and yet, socially and interpersonally inept. Despite possesing a high IQ rating, succes doesn't follow.
Emotional Intteligent including how to manage ourselves, self image, positive response to negative situation, manager our anger, awareness, cause, recognition and choice and how to be assertive and not aggressive.
The EI teach us the ultimate strategy to earn other people's STAR (Support, Trust. Admiration, Respect) by using the 'ABCD' methode which means to go "Above and Beyond the Call and Duty" and Craeting a Right brain Experience (CARE).
A lot of thing to learn and to handle to get excellent Emotional Intelligent. The key is syncronise between feeling and thinking, between attitude and Behaviour.. talk and act. If you can handle all those thing correctly... you will able too vercome your selves and emerge as the winner.