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Result Piala AFF Suzuki 2010

Hasil Final Piala AFF Suzuki 2010 is 2-1 for Indonesia. But the winner Goes to Malaysia.

After a long struggle on the way to  final, Malaysia team's effort finally paid off . Being AFF Suzuki Cup Champion 2010 after 14 years of targeting this opportunity. Congcratulations to a new Champion: Malaysia.
To my Fellow countryman please accept the result with a big heart wiith the spirit of Garuda Pancasila. After all we still winning this game.  May be it's not our time yet to hold the trophy.
Long journey to the Final
1. Indonesia vs Malaysia scor 5-1
2. Indonesia vs Laos scor 6-0
3. Indonesia vs Thailand scor 2-1
4. Indonesia vs Filipina scor 1-0
5. Filipina vs Indonesia skor 0-1

1. Malaysia vs Indonesia scor 0-5
2. Malaysia vs Thailand skor 0-0
3. Malaysia vs Laos skor 5-1
4. Malaysia vs Vietnam skor 2-0
5. Vietnam vs Malaysia skor 0-0

1. Malaysia vs Indonesia scor 3-0
2. Indonesia vs Malaysia scor 2-1

And the Winner is Malaysia.
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