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The devil doesn't wears Prada

The Devil doesn't wear Prada.
And most of them..not even have enough money to buy Prada.

"Daily news... a mother kill her just born baby, wraped it with plastict bag and threw it inside the dustbin. Another news, a father rapped his teenager daughter and murder his wife. An uncle throw an acid to his nephew family...etc..etc..."

Are these people wear Prada? No! But there's a devil inside them. Why?
Because its not a movie. It is a reality. It is the real life and what human being capable to do to each other, to their own family, to their fellow friend. What happen with us? Do we still have heart? or actually we all heartless? Everyday...everytime we hear, read, stumble upon.. news.... which all is about people killing each other, robbery, betray, treachery. These kind of news bcome a highlight... what is not unproper thing to know, to see.. to hear because we see it everyday, we hear it everytime..all that things become common.

Sometime I hope..life is like a movie. When the scene become danger and out of control what we need to do is just press the button of the remote control. Dreaming? ..yes I m. Meryl Streep so adorable in her Prada... even if she acted like a devil.. I do not feel sorry to naive young lady Anna Hathaway. Because in real life.. the thing worst than that. Not because the devil doesn't wear Prada..but because in real life...the devil's not only wear prada.. sometime they wear tudung, robes,  frock, kopiah etc etc..etc....
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