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Save Our world for the sake of our loves one

Global warming is a serious issue and it's every individual's responsibility to ensure thing do not get worse. Take a look at the tips below and start saving our planet to day!

Drive Smart. A well-tuned car with properly inflated tires burns less gasoline-cutting pollution and saving money at the pump. better yet, skip the drive and take public transit, walk or bicycle when you can.
Replace Incandescent Light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. Especially those that burn longest each day. Compact fluorescents produce the same amount of light as normal bulbs, but use about a quarter of the electricity and last ten time as long.
Buy Energy-efficient Electronics and Appliances. Replacing an old refrigerator or an air conditioner with an energy-efficient model will save you money on your electricity bill and cut global warning pollution.
Plant a Tree, Protect a forest. Protecting forest is a big step on the road to curbing global warming. you can take action in your own back yard--planting shade trees around your house will absorb CO2.
Reduce! Reuse! Recycle! Producing new paper, glass and metal products from recycled materials saves 70-90 % of energy and pollution. Recycling a stack of newspapers only 4 feet high will save a good-sized tree!
Do not leave appliance on Standby. Use the "on/off" function on the machine itself. A TV set that's switched on for 3 hours a day and it's standby mode during the remaining 21 hours uses about 40% of it's energy in standby mode.
Defrost old fridges and Freezers regularly. Even better is to replace them with newer models, which all have automatic defrost cycles and are generally up to two times more energy-efficient than their predecessor!
Cover your Pots while cooking. Doing so can save a lot of the energy needed fro preparing the dish. Even better are pressure cookers and steamers: they can save around 70% ! (Pearl, mac 08)
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