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Single is Simple

Saya setuju sekali kalimat dari blogger Eka ini. Single is simple. Saya single, sebab itu saya Simple. Meski terkadang sering terkesan Simply...(over confident mode: ON)

Dalam keseharian saya adalah orang Simple. Dari atas ke bawah, dari kiri ke kanan, dari belakang ke depan, darimana lagi ya.... pokoknya simple..ple..ple... ple kecuali untuk my kaka, Malay Lady dari Teluk Intan, for her I was a complicated person...but that was a long time ago. Now your ex dear is a very simple person and less simply.. happy? Hopefully!!

Because I am a single, I can go anywhere I want and do whatever I wish. No burden and never be a burden! 'I m happy to be me and alive'...said Jennifer lopez.

Perhaps in your eyes people, my life... look and sound so boring. Sit down in the office, turn the screw....and get paid. Long time ago I feel pity to myself. But when the time pass, I feel....I fell nothing! its Ok. Subject will never be like the Object. Buktinya saya masih punya hati dan rasa serta sejuta rindu. And the most important I still have love.. love people..love. We will never be anyone without love. Love make us live. Bacause its never about what we are..but who we are.

Now I m enjoy it...at last! Working from 9 to 6, sometime extend to 8 or 9. I have no symbolize of life out side this office and never thing that's necesarry at all. What I have is my family and collega and less than five fingger friend.

What I need, I got. 12 hour acces to internet is all I need. Free and no fee. Relax and calm. Happy and disaster free. What else? Its really true that's Single is Simple. This is really a comfortable Zone..and I don't  want to go out from there. But if the occassions call..... I 'll listen to my heart...than only my head... if only...I've been called..!
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