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Click Fraud

Click fraud is the act of clicking on ads for the purpose of costing the advertiser money. It is simply the same as paying out cash for false leads. Many website owners are aware of this fraud and are sharing the same sentiment that this is the one biggest problem that Adsense is facing.

Some people is trying to take the advantage to earn more money by clicking another person adsense and hope they return the favor by clicking their ads too. A lot google adsense publisher get banned by doing nothing. Not fair right?

Most pay per click networks have different measures in hand to protect website owners against click frauds. Other search engines can track more than 50 data points, IP address, browser’s information, user’s session info and pattern recognition. They also have “systems” available that detects fraud. Not to mention the specialized teams monitoring how things are going and helping advertisers stop click frauds.

Google Adsense T&C is... very simple. Never do click fraud!  Because most of thetime doing more harm to the blogger you visiting than helping in the first place.

So, Adsense Publisher be AWARE and Warry! And please be SMART to not to get involved in CLICK FRAUD!
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