Bukan Sekedar KAMUS!


Sorry..wrong theme...hikz

Huhuhu.... me just realize kalau hari ini bukan hari ahad... tapi hari Jumat..hihihih really sorry! Biasanya, me cuti only hari Ahad...jadi begitu cuti...ya ingatnya hari ini hari Ahad, baru setelah tengok TV di depan itu ada iklan layanan masyarakat tentang Depavali... baru terasa kalau hari ini hari Juma dan Ahad is 2 hari lagi...oh dear... me dreaming. Jadi yang hari ini dapat my blogwalking schedulae... sorry ya.... its suposed slmat cuti.

Here we go, best wishe to my house mate, Asha...
Happy Depavali to you... might the light of wisdom lighting up our life....
And happiness will always with us forever. Different country, different race and different religions is not a.. a what ya... ehm...obstacle or...whatever.. for our friendship, good luck...

To day, KL is very bright but outside there rela/polis sedang patroli.. so To keep safe, I should stay in my condo. These Rela man, do not care whether u hv a document or not...they will sweap all... caught first, ask later. The actions is good but very annoying, what I wish is...take the illegal and spare them with document. Hemat energy dan waktu kan....! Pls Mr, be effisien! Tq

So all Malaysian, Happy Cuti..... hikz..hope tommorow cuti, but my office..nooo its open as usual... some more it Harpitnas (hari terjepit nasional). I'll stuck inside my cubicle again...
Kaka.....spare me, pls!!
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