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A tale Inside Adsense

The T&C of google adsense is very strictly to follow. Once google reconsider you as someone who ignore the T&C, without announcement or anything you will get banned. And those who got banned from google adsense would certainly want to get back into program. All because of that some money they getting from adsense programe.

Long time ago, if any invalid click or click fraud happen on your website sure you will get banned. Many web site owners are getting their Google Adsense account banned when they have done nothing wrong to deserve the punishment. But now, google adsense already very wise and nice. They can tolerance to invalid click even if they come from the same IP adress as long as not come from the computer owner. Like you already know, our computer is saving the cookies...that will help google andsense team to track our invalid click. So, anything happen tell to your self to not click your own google ads. if you so curious about very interesting ads just do blogwalking and check the ads in other blogger site. And google encourage their member to do this than checking ads on their own website.
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