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Liu Yifei | Biodata Crystal liu Yifei

Crystal Liu Yifei. Biodata Liu Yifei. Masih ingat bibi Lung alias gadis naga kecil (Siauw Liong Lie/ Xiaolongnu)? Liu Yifei atau liu yi fei Crystal Liu Yifei adalah aktris yang berperan sebagai bibi nya Yoko dalam Return of the condor heroes. Liu Yifei, aktris multi talent ini telah berkecimpung di dunia perfilman sejak tahun 2001. Tv series perdana yang dibintanginya adalah Story of noble family. Namun Acting Liu Yi fei baru mendapat acungan jempol saat dia bermain di Return of the Condor Heroes. Berikut ini adalah Biodata dan riwayat hidup Liu Yifei serta aktivitasnya di dunia perfilman.

Profil dan Biodata Liu Yifei

Name: Crystal Liu Yifei
Real Name: Liu Qian Mei Zhi
Date of Birth: 25 August 1987
Birth Place: China
Nationality: United States
Astrological sign: Virgo liong lie
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Blood Type: B
School: Beijing Film Academy Of China
Profession: Model, Actress and Singer
Talented In: Dancing and Playing Piano

TV Series yang dibintangi Liu Yifei:
Story Of Noble Family (2001) as Bai Xiu Zhu
Demi Gods Semi Devils (2003) as Wang Yuyan
Chinese Paladin (2004) as Zhao Ling'er
The Return Of Condor Heroes 2006 as Xiaolongnu
Movies/Film yang dibintangi Liu Yifei:
Love of May (2004) as Zhao Xuan
The Love Winner as Jin Qiao Li
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) as Golden Sparrow
Love in Disguise (2010)
A Chinese Ghost Story (2011)
The Four Great Detectives (2012)
White Vengeance (2012)
Album lagu Liu Yifei
2006: Liu Yifei (Chinese Album)
2006: All My Words (Japanese Album)
Biodata Liu Yifei atau Crystal Liu Yifei. Semoga bermanfaat.
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