Bukan Sekedar KAMUS!


IN Ageing

Perhaps you ever think, what will happen when we grow older and older...and older... what will happen? Are we still strong and healthy? or we just strong and healthy but senile? what we will be if we grow older?  Are we still have our off spring around us? or we just end in the elderly house like our poor older neighbor? empty and lonely ..??  I don't know.

The future is not for us to see, its for us to think...what we want to be...?

I never scared die! I scared to grow older, weak and senile. I'm scared if God bless me with long life that I never need. I'm scared to be dependable to some one else or be a burden for them around me if I'm grow older, weak and senile....

Because I can't ask them to just kill me and let me die..

Because I'm not sure when I'm grow older I'm not scared to die anymore....

Because.. I feel ....I enjoy this life  enough already.... I'm so tired and feel like I want to  rest.... lie down...as low as the ground...

But I'm not that older... yet. And hope...never reach that..

I only thinking what will happen if the ageing come to me...

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