Bukan Sekedar KAMUS!


Journey to the mountain and the Sea

Wow... tiring  day..soon will be over. I need to go to a place where the IMG_0220blue sky meet with the wave... and the rainbow..in the end of waterfall.... the blue lake.. the fish the smell of wet soil, the mist, the dewdrop... and the coffee flower..

Its time for traveling. Before my time end in sadness and misery. Beautiful panorama is a healing soul. Back to nature.

Fishing will be a good way to introspection. So ma435px-Sounkyo1[1]ny fishing bay in the south sea beach. I'll find one...in my favorite spot.  Hope no tsunami this time.

Surfing, snorkeling, and jet ski. I guess I need to bring extra sun cream and sun block. Holiday on beach will be the title. This time ...no hotel. I'll bring my own tend, solar lamp, and small windmill as source of power.

I'll go to the beach first. Let national park wait. From sea to mountain...or from mountain to the sea?

Guess what? Traveling time........

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