Bukan Sekedar KAMUS!



Start from  Abraham, Moses, David, Al Masih and closed by Muhammad. I can't belief one of them and deny the others. Because one and another is compliment. What's in Al Qur'an is already mentions in Injil. And what in Injil was mentions in Torah. From these five holly books I only able to read two of them. One I don't know the meaning for sure because it's written in Arabic, and the other I can read but I'm not sure with the content because it's not in its original language and sculpture.

How confuse I'm as the one who looking for the Ultimate true from God. Than when I read Al Qur'an I stumbled upon a words from the Holly Qur'an that said " This book, nothing unsure in it, the directions for them who belief(2:2) that is the one who belief in mysterious thing, perform prayer, and give a half of their bless to charity(2:3), and them, who have faith in this Book, and the Books before It, and the one who belief in final day(2:4)"

I belief Torah is a holly book for Moses, Zabur is a Holly book for David, Injil is Holly book for Al Masih, and Al Qur'an is A holly book for Muhammad. All of these are the God words which been written by the owner( prophet).

I belief if in this modern day, the original Holly books mentions above still exist in it's Original written and language, we can find the Ultimate true from God without unsure.

So, how can we say one book come from God and the others created by the satan if actually these book are compliment for each other?

Al Qur'an says, anyone who belief and follow what have been written in these holly book is safe. Doesn't matter which one, you can choose the one fit with you. Because if God willing, Only one religion exist in this world, that will happen for sure. God never need our help to distribute His Words and religions. Because He the One who never need any help.

So, why we still stand up around here make massy and feel disturbing with some one else faith only because they pray in different way and belief in different Holly book?

Why don't we put just like this.." for you your religion, and for me..my religion...." and done! No fighting, no bad mouthing! And we live happily ever after,  peace and Harmony in diversity.

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