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Have you ever heard the name Lucifer? The Word of God tells us that there was a time when Lucifer was the chief of all the angels. If you know the story of Lucifer, you know where Satan himself comes from.

The Scriptures tell us that when God first created the angels, Lucifer was the most beautiful, the most powerful, and the wisest of them all. Lucifer means the shining one. Lucifer was superior to all the other angels in knowledge and wisdom, and in power and authority. God gave him beauty and intelligence beyond measure. Lucifer should have worshiped God, loved him and obeyed him forever, because God created him and greatly blessed him. However, in the Writings of the Prophets we read that one day Lucifer showed contempt for God, and his heart was filled with pride. Lucifer said in his heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned…I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High [God]!" (Isa. 14:13,14)

Incredible! Lucifer, who had nothing apart from what God had given him, wanted to steal the glory of God, the Most High! And not only did Lucifer rebel against God, but one third of the angels who were in heaven chose to turn their backs on the Lord God, and to follow Lucifer in his sin. (See Revelation 12:4)
The Writings of the Prophets teach us that God, our God, is holy and cannot look on evil. God cannot tolerate sin. He will not give His glory to another. God is unique; no one can replace Him! Thus, the Scriptures say that God expelled Lucifer and his evil angels from His holy presence. Lucifer and those who followed him could no longer live in heaven, in the house of God, because they had sinned by wanting to replace God. That is why God cast out Lucifer and his evil angels. God, who is holy, must judge and punish everyone who rebels against Him.

After Lucifer sinned, his name was changed. He was no longer called Lucifer, the shining one, but Satan. Satan means Adversary. Lucifer had become God's enemy. And, as you know, Satan and his angels still reject God and all that is good. They reject the Word of God and deny it. Satan fights against God and tries to ruin and hinder God's plans. However, God is the great Judge, and no one can win against Him! "An egg should not wrestle with a rock!" {Wolof Proverb}
The Holy Scriptures tell us that after God expelled Satan and his angels, He created for them the fires of hell which are never extinguished. There is a day coming when God will cast into that fire, Satan and his angels, and all who follow them. Thus, it is written: "They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (Rev. 20:10) (wikipedia)
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