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Dog Meat?

Oh..please!! Not enough food in this worlds already? For fun or hunger? Where go the quota that “Dog is Human best friend?” or now is the trend ”best friend eat best friend?” If people eat snake meet, that’s called exotic, human meet= cruelty, dog meet=???

In most of the places in this world, generally , dog used to love more than human. Even some rich people hired a “baby sitter” for their cute dog. There are salons, spa for this cute creature. Owner spend so much money just to make sure its well being.

And the most thing that never gone from my mind since a lot years ago is the doctor for dog is more high paid than the doctor for human. If u got headact , then go to clinic to meet doctor, it will cost you no more than 60 or 70 buck only. But if ur dog get sick then you bring it to see doctor, that will cost you five or ten time of it.

Few week ago, in South Korea, animal right activists cage themselves as part of demonstration against the local custom of eating dog meat. And actually, dog meat is a traditional dish in Korea eaten to cope with the summer heat. So, eat or don’t eat?

Don’t eat! The reasons is bcoz, it’s human best friend. Not me! But someone else best friend! So, please don’t eat it! There’s a lot more food (meat/fruit) to eat. Chicken, beef, sheep…. Fish…

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