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Financial Independence

Financial independence in our later years is crucial. It have something to do with our lifestyle and providing flexibility in term of how we want to spend our live when we grow old.

Do you ever thing about that, frenz?
Me ..everytime, every single moment! I have plan... I m going to retire in my 40. If that possible... but I hope so. As single... I just need to thing about myself.

If you are married and have kids, your kids will be your source of joy, for sure. You will provided for them from birth to college and giving up everything you have for their sake..but can you depend on your children to provide for you later in life?? No body can say yes or no. Future is not for us to see. But in real world.... some can, some just..not so lucky.

Fillial piety may be virtue in our society, but let's take a hard look at reality. Can the children of to day adequately take care of their parents financial needs in the future? can you say with confident that you've taken care of them yesterday, and now it's their turn? can you?

Let's start from now. First thing you should do is to determine the amount you need to retire comfortably. Make your Retirement Plan now before its too late. Be financially Independence in our later years is not just dream. We never know how longer we gonna live but... "sedia payung sebelum hujan' is better than never.
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